Ghost Divers

[S7E4] Glyph Catchers Presents: Dumpster Divers

2 years ago

Glyph Catchers are back with a brand new podcast, Dumpster Divers! We’re watching bad movies and just really razzing on them, you know? Just really kickin the snot out of them. Just totally sticking our tongues out all like “Pllrrbbbttttt!” as we really take the piss out of these real stinker movies. These real garbage can, dumbo, no good movies. We love to devote hours and hours of our lives watching movies we hate and making fun of them for you to laugh at, because you also hate the movies too. We are bonded in our shared desire to just dislike everything.

This is justice. This is what we were built for. Criticism doesn't define us. What we hate defines us. We know who we are and what we're here to do. And that's to really pants Ghost in the Shell (2017) and give it a swirly for April Fool's Day.

Write into our Question Bucket at [email protected] and follow us on Twitter!

The Show: @ghostdiverspod
Niamh: @FoxmomNia
Connor: @rabbleais
Niamh’s mediamh pile: @mediamh_pile

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Content Warnings for this Discussion

Racism & orientalism
Sexism & brief discussion of sexualized violence

Sorry to people who really hate April Fool's Day. The actual episode will be out at the regularly scheduled time, we just decided to try doing an episode on the 2017 movie, but wanted to mostly keep it secret in case we did it and ended up hating the result. 2nd Gig starting on April 1st ended up just being a perfect excuse to do this.

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