[S14E13] NANA, chs. 50–53
vol. 14

0:04:32 Synopses
0:15:32 Chapter 50 discussion
0:59:01 Chapter 51 discussion
1:41:06 Chapter 52 discussion
2:28:39 Chapter 53 discussion
3:00:05 Plugs and outro
3:13:12 Post-ED chat
OP: "Eyes for the Moon" by Mika Nakashima
ED: "get out from the shell -asian version" by L'Arc~en~Ciel
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Content Warnings for the Discussion
Sex, sexuality, and sex work
Groupes and sex with fans
Abusive relationships, manipulation
Self-harm, suicide, and death
Dissociative trauma attack/panic attack
Drowning as a metaphor
Cheating and infidelity